Wednesday, October 6, 2010

it hurts the most

when you cried so hard for so long, you eyes swollen and it could hardly open itself, the top inner part of your mouth felt so dry that whenever the tip of your tounge touch it, it feels awefully uncomfortable.

when you cried so hard for so long, even the birds stopped singing, the sun stops shining, the radio's playing sad horrible songs. its like a complot by the world against you, to keep putting you in the mourning mood.

when you cried so hard for so long, you just wish you could turn back time. so that you won't hurt the person you cares the most and you don't hurt yourself.

when you cried so hard for so long, you just don't want to wake up, get off from the room, face the world.. and when your mum hand you the nice ketupat that your dad made and you didn't eat last night because you cried so hard for so long, you knew you wanted to burst again.

when you cried so hard for so long, talking to you BFFs will soothe you out, but what will helps is actually looking straight into the eyes of your soulmate, vent out every single concerns and you knew you don't have to cry so hard for so long. if only distance is not the limit..

when you cried so hard for so long, even a three year old kid would understand your melocholant emotion and agreed to keep it hush hush.

when you cried so hard for so long, you just all dried out.

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