Wednesday, December 28, 2011

hello 2012

"significantly,for me; aimar is going to school; we are moving to that new house; i hope my hubby could get a job nearer to the family; if ada rezeki, it would be fantastic to have some dash of pinks on the kids wardrobe.. and i pray for my sis to have a kid too.. insyallah.

geng, have a wonderful 2011..xoxoxoxoxo..mmmuuaahhhssss"
gosh, how time flies! that was a quote from my last year's post.. and i'm writing a farewell post for 2011 and welcoming 2012.

recapping the 2011, aimar went to school and doing fine. we finally moved in riana this month. hubby is now in labuan. memang ada rezeki (though at times i wrote the above post, i was clueless) with lots and lots of pinks on the kids wadrobe with aivey's arrivals... and yeen embraced iris sofea's arrival two days after mine! alhamdullillah. diam tak diam, my prayers come true and Maha Besar Allah. 

and i feel so guilty for not being a good ummah.. He gave me what I wished for, and I keep forgetting my roots! Allah Ya Rabbi!

as i welcome 2012, i'm yet to figure out what to expect.

of course i'm nervous of being 35 and aidan going to primary school.. we'll just see.. i should definitely hope as i writing the recap next year, i've become an improved ummah.

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