“I've heard that it's possible to grow up - I've just never met anyone who's actually done it. Without parents to defy, we break the rules we make for ourselves. We throw tantrums when things don't go our way, we whisper secrets with our best friends in the dark, we look for comfort where we can find it, and we hope - against all logic, against all experience. Like children, we never give up hope...” ...
- Meredith Grey quotes -
aidan is going to primary school. last thursday, i was so excited to get him ready for the orientation. i was a bit mad at his father as he was still in kemaman the night before. good for us that he made it just in time for aidan to go to school. he grown up fast. as we have half an hour to spare before 8:30am, i was proposing for us to stop by for breakfast at the nearby stall.. he counter-proposed "takpe la, mama aboh send abadan dulu, then mama aboh pergi la breakfast".. boleh camtu? he was so looking forward to wear that white and dark-blue school uniform, and looking so handsome with the necktie on.
as he queued among the newbies, i was moved. not like other parents who were busy photographing their kids in the queue, we decided to sit back and watch. i guess, me being obidient with teachers' instruction, i decided not to disturb the queue. and aidan was there, standing still in the line, as obidient as he can.. and my eyes were teary. he looked so independent, so grown-up.. and i was melancholic. felt like only yesterday we were so excited welcoming him in our arms. felt only like the day before yesterday we met eye to eye and smitten by each other. felt like only days before yesterdays we were nervously waiting for the first day of our school-life. and there he was, my son, my own flesh and blood, queuing for his class.. and all i did was looking at him, smiling, feeling proud.. and of course nervous and anxious at the same time. i wonder if he'll survive..
he was off to the class as i sat on the hall, trying hard to listen to the principal's speech and feeling really like one of her students.. once a while, my mind was wandering how aidan was..
and of sudden, he came and with his cheerful voice told me "exam was easy peasy".. and off he went, joining his new mates.
senang kan budak sekarang.. cepat betul buat kawan..
talking about grown up.. a cousin of mine is going to be in the secondary school this year. she's going to be in Form One and got over excited when she saw the name "aidan" on one of the schoolboard. she took the picture, loaded it in the FB and tagged me.. and trying to be smart, she put comment "my googly told me aidan means a name of priest/nun etc....." what-da-f.c.u.k... of all the google info, that is the only thing you would want to hilite. of all! i'm pretty sure if you search "define aidan".. that's not the only definition you would find from the google page.. so, why? why? why?... from the google also stated aidan is a jedi from star wars.. so, why can't you think i took that name from there? why must you think i picked up aidan's name from a priest name? of course i took aidan it is so blardy annoying. and what make it more annoying, though the FB id was of my 12-y-o cousin, i am pretty sure it was her mother that made such comment under her name! but of course, if i were to start a FB debatical forum, it does look silly for a 35-y-o to go against all odds ... on FB!!!!
new year - in general was just like a normal day. of course, on the eve's, i cooked fusion olio (credit to yummy-mummy blogspot) for the whole family. we stayed in kg baru, had long chats among the other cousins (talking about that cousin). watched the fireworks at the stairs of my gramps old house. and slept the whole day thru on new year itself. of course aimar was enjoying the 48-hour-spongebob-a-thon!
aidan is not well today, and yesterday. he vomitted and has got some temperature.. i just hope he'll be just fine for school tomorrow..
aimar - he was asking me who will be sending him off to his kindy .. both me and my hub will be with aidan .. if and only if i can split myself into two! i guess all parents would ask to have that wish if granted! to split every bit of us to every bit of time to be wherever our kids would be!
aivey - mama tak kasi masuk tangan dalam mulut, she picked new skill over new year.. kenyut bibir without inserting her thumb..
and so, life goes on. moga aku jadi ummah yang lebih baik, ameen.