Thursday, June 27, 2013

work out

in a different angle of looking into things:
Rasulullah SAW bersabda yang bermaksud: "Sesungguhnya orang yang paling baik antara kamu semua adalah orang yang paling baik terhadap isterinya dan aku adalah orang yang terbaik antara kamu semua (dalam membuat kebaikan) terhadap isteriku." - Hadis Riwayat al-Tirmizi.
Cinta bukan sekadar perasaan yang disimpan lama tetapi cinta perlu dihangatkan setiap masa dan ketika. Menjadi seorang suami malah isteri juga, rasa cinta perlu ditunjukkan setiap masa dan ketika.
Bersikap romantik merupakan antara cara meluahkan rasa cinta anda. Sebelum terfikir mahu melaksanakan sunnah Rasulullah SAW dengan poligami, apa kata usahakan untuk laksanakan sunnah baginda dengan bersikap romantik terlebih dahulu dengan isteri yang ada! 
kaaann!!!  i must be so thankful to Allah. especially, when this quote came in my inbox from my dearly hubby. 
perempuan ni, memang ngade2, manje, lembik, lembut.. but never lemah, ok! perempuan ni nak macam2. nak itu nak ini... bile nak je, lelaki jadi pening. tu yang sume orang dok figure out what does woman really wants?
ada sebab pelbagai a relationship turn sour. a reminder to myself.
the saying goes a woman marries a man, hoping he change for a better.. and a man marries a woman, hoping she will never change. fact is, marriage is a work in progress. while the wife need to learn to accept things, the hubby should learn to understand what the wife need. truth is, sometimes, we wives don't even know what we need.. until our hubbies show us, 'i am what you want'.. the men we knew during courtship, when we decided to share our life forever and married them.
and there's nothing wrong with being romantic. we women love it, and that never make you a lesser man.
and yup, ladies, tak salah nak bermanje.. mcm i, mmg en abang panggil manje pun(ok, nak muntah? i tak kesah pun).. but then again, once a while, be reasonable.. a note to myself too.

Friday, June 14, 2013

funny thing they call love

love is weird.. well, ya, tell us something new la kan.

you get jealous,
you get mad,
you get worried,
you get curious
you cry, yell and scream..
just because you care.

love grows by giving. to attain love, you need to give.
mathematical logic in love, one and one are one.

love makes us blind
it gives butterflies in your stomach
it makes our heart thumps
love hurts us once a while
sometimes you could hardly swallow the truth
love denies your right as human kind
love demands sacrifices

but  again, will this make us stop loving? will this be  the evidence that love has long gone.

then, there he is.. my love
he never stop loving, and he never stop giving his love.
he's a human being with flaws, and i am no sane with my own flaws
he never stops believing in us
why must i

it's a funny thing they call love