the MRI report was out on 23rd June, yeen's 32nd birthday (sorry sis, no intention in stealing the limelight from you...).
I was nervous, very, indeed. it was good of my dear hubby to console me over and over. we went in the morning and was told that our oncologist will only be available in the afternoon. yup, I even messed up the appointment time. we were supposed to meet the onco in the afternoon, but we came in the morning... told 'cha, I was nervous!
so, our morning were filled with other chores. time flies without us realized it.. and it was time for the appointment.
despite my nervousness, my blood pressure was pretty low.. 70/44.. hmmm
as we were called upon, we went to the clinic with hope, questions and many more.
it was a routine check by the onco, and he finally broke the news that from the MRI showed that there's no more active cancer cells in my neck area...
until today, when i looked back on the journey, it still left me unspoken. it's definitely allah's blessing allowing to live life to become a person i should rather than the person i've been. alhamdullillah. i broke into tears and i still do when i recall the moment. its a life experience that i want my kids to know, one day.
and of course, i wasn't alone.
yes, it was a sufferings getting through the meds and treatments.
yes, the recovery was not easy as i might have thought.
yes, it took a toll on every loved ones who surroundings me.
but alhamdullah..
with allah's blessing, i am where i am now because the love showered on me
the patience my hubby put up with all my antics
the sleepness night my parents had taking carw of their grown up eldest child
the time and money on travelling back and fourths my siblings and my in-laws spent
and i must say, with all my heart to all our relatives and friends, near and far, physical and virtual, the well wishers really helped me going through the days..
nobody could imagine how powereful could it be for even a 'like' on a fb status on a statement such 'its better than yesterday' really made my days... true! i can't imagine too...
those buddies who wanted to come and visit me but i resisted, please accept my apologies. i won't lie, i was sick and at that point i felt soo useless that i prefer to be alone.
but today, looking back, all those prayers from a friend that has been lost touch with you for nearly two decades did helped me went through 'that' phase of my life....
i can never be thankful enough
these blessings are beyond words
my syukur to allah, and keep on praying that i will always remember the purpose of me living
my prayers and well wishers to all kind hearted people who care sooo much
terima kasih dan moga dirahmatiNya