Aivey was asking me, "ma, what do i got for the exam?"
"Got what?"
"what number do i get?"
"number? number apa?"
"tak tahu, nenek tanya. saya cakap saya tak tahu. nenek cakap suruh tanya mama."
it's the year end.
it has always been great pleasure to see the achievements of each anak-anak kawan in the FB, sharing great moments, flying colours and awards di hari anugerah, ihtifal day and so on.
exam no 1, 2,3. terhebat in everything.
mak ayah pandai-pandai.. anak-anak kena double pandai lah dari mak ayah, kan.
but then again, i wonder, hari anugerah ini, untuk apa dan untuk siapa?
yes, an award to recognize all the hard work of the students, for the students.
but does it really worth it?
i have mixed opinion about it.
ihtifal sekolah khalifah ni selalu ada surprise elements.
anak-anak tak diberitahu who got what.
masa ihtifal day, anak-anak kene tengok nama yang teacher letak on placard and they will que. nama naik, maknanya dapatlah hadiah hari tu.
when aidan and aimar started with khalifah model school, i was so looking forward to ihtifal day.
i must admit, i was that kiasu mom who wanted to make sure both my sons excelled in their exams and got recognition.
the first year, they didn't fail us.
they made us proud.
sorang siap dapat award ulul albab lagi..
on the second year, alhandulillah, they still got their names being called.
on the third year, i realized, 'sekolah ni, kalau boleh satu sekolah diorang nak bagi award. kalau boleh ada award student paling banyak keluar kelas pergi toilet pun, diorang nak bagi.'
so, was it something bad?
i don't see it as bad at all.
in fact, i was waiting for the forth year, and fifth year this year.
learning experienced with aivey was totally different as compared to abang-abang.
she did has some difficulty in reading, hence, it slows down her learning progress.
she did well in some, but not as excellent as where her abang-abang used to be at her age.
i wasn't expecting her name to be called upon pun.
in fact, i've prepared her mentally that she shouldn't feel anything bad if she didn't get anything during the ihtifal.
told her she has done her best and i knew she could and would do better in future.
during the day, we saw the agenda booklet shared via whatsapp (another great thing about the school, the agenda booklet are in softcopy, no hardcopy, saving the environment, paperless).
i was surprised to see aivey was one of the name listed.
she got the as-saff award, best year 1 student in co-curiculum (non-sport).
i couldn't tell her right away as she was already with her friends in their allocated students seat.
i was nearby when she saw her name was on the placard and she walked passed me and was excitedly telling me "ma, saya dapat hadiah lah. orang yang dapat tu tak datang kot (so, i replaced her)"
that glow in her eyes are so genuine and naive.
the day ended up great.
aimar, for the first time, didn't get any academic award this year.. hahaha (melepas dia duit nenek nak bagi kalau boleh beat balqis - that girl is supergenius lah!)
but he got the hafazan mumtaz and diniyah competition.
ihtifal in KMS has always been special.
nope, academically, they give away to those yang memang dapat no 1 in class dan no 1 in subject.
but they have list of great award like
best performance in dinniyah activities
memorization of juz amma
hafazan mumtaz
best performance in co-currucular, sports and non-sports
most improved
best performance in punctuality in attendance and responsibility
best akhlaq
selfless service
most promising leader
best leadership, dinniyah and overall.
gosh, these list! you do not have to score 100% in science or maths or even arts to get to the stage.
just be kind, a great khalifah. you are competing for the best akhlak, a healthy competition.
isn't all these need to be recognized and appreciated?
after the ihtifal, we have the Parent-Teacher Conference (PTC), a one-to-one session to get the exam results and the students overall performance.
I remember the early years when we had our first PTC and I was looking at the report, looking for the boys ranking in the class. Nope! Na-da!
I remember asking the teachers 'anak dapat no berapa?'
and I remember the teacher responded to us politely with a smile 'kita takde ranking, kak. tapi anak akak ni, alhamdullillah, antara yang mudah nak terima ilmu. terang hati. insyaallah. he will do great. cuma kekadang dia susah nak kawal marah dia. mungkin kita kena sama-sama bantu dia nak kawal emosi.'
i remember asking the teacher in the next PTC and next.
the answer was still the same.
no ranking given and only positive and constructive feedbacks, akhlak diorang, cara adab diorang dengan kawan-kawan, cara adab diorang ngan cikgu.
so, i stop asking rankings and i started asking their teachers have they improved in their communication and relation with others.
from the PTC, i learned my son still having struggle focusing and yet he has improved significantly, trying to put all his strength to focus in things.
from the PTC, aivey don't have any issue with her reading and she just has to practice and practice.
the day after PTC, i received beautiful pictures from aivey's class teacher. she has told me earlier and was excited to share the moments with her students. she has prepared goodies and certificates for each students, giving specific award to each and everyone in the class.
Aivey dapat 'the most caring and sharing award'..which to me the subtle way telling mama yang anak mama ni rajin sembang ngan kekawan, niat nak sharing..hahahaha... anak ain sangat kan!
I saw pictures with the most neat student, the cleanest, the best smile and all....
it was so soothing and we were so proud of the whole year they've been putting through.
School year 2018 has its own ups and downs.
All in all, aidan, aimar, aivey, do know we are proud of you guys!
I guess it's about time us to start considering rewarding our anak-anak.
Kalau diorang tak score sains ke maths ke, cuba tengok subject art ke music ke PJ ke.
They might not be born a left-brainer, but doesn't mean they are born brainless.
Best is, reward them from having a such a beautiful heart.
We have to stop 'tormenting'them by tormenting ourselves.
By trying to be humble and sharing the shout-outs in FB 'anak saya ni lemah bab belajar. semua tak pandai'.Mommies, that is a form of bullying!
To you and to your own breed.
Stop comparing your anak to others 'kenapa abang dapat no 4? kalau dapat no 3 dapat amik hadiah.'
Just congratulate them and reward them.
No, you don't need toysrus or fancy restaurants for the reward, I'm sure an ice cream from the 7E will be appreciated when we said we are rewarding them for their effort.
Lepas tu, boleh lah 'racun'sikit, 'tahun depan kita work extra sikit. mama yakin lah you can do better. kita belajar sama-sama, kay!'
and yes, guide them!
doa yang elok-elok.
Kalau makcik-makcik nenek-nenek tanya peksa dapat no baper, cakap aje cikgu tak bagitau .. takde ranking.