I'm wondering if men would have the same pre-menopause symptoms like we women have.
It's unbelievably out-of-this-world symptoms I would say.
I am struggling ~ and not sure when it will end.
Rozi told me, it might took a year two... o mai!
It's unbelievably out-of-this-world symptoms I would say.
I am struggling ~ and not sure when it will end.
Rozi told me, it might took a year two... o mai!
The menses are unpredictable. Kadang datang cepat, kadang senyap tetibe. Kadang banyak, kadang malu-malu. Gosh.. I'm not complaining.
And the headache and backache would accompany them.
Lepas tu, the new symptons I'm getting now is tak boleh tido.. melampau-lampau takleh tido, and also kepanasan bagai nak rak..
Hot flash or hot flush, whatever they would call it, is real!
Subhanallah... I would blame the hot weather for me feeling hot.. yet, during the cold days, the feeling of sangat panas, burning, is there to stay.. so, proven, it's not the weather! it's me!!!
I had my menses quite late as compared as my other friends. I was 15, if I wasn't mistaken.
So, I'm not surprised if Aivey still not getting it at the age of 13 while many of her friends had had their menses.
Due to that, I'm not expecting the symptom of perimenopause at the early age of 47yo! Yo!!!.. not until I'm 50. At least, that's what I thought it 'should' be..
wallahu'alam ~ Allah knows best.
Subhanallah.. the sign that we don't belong to ourselves.. even the blood circulating in our body is not within our control.
Indeed, to Him we belong.
So, what makes us disobey Him?