Friday, December 17, 2010

shame on you

i have 'manners' issue... at least that's how it was implied to me.

i gave my seats the eldely and pregnant ladies. i hold the doors for the person behind. i queued without complaints. i asked things politely. i say thank you, excuse me and apologize if i was at fault. and i teach my boys to behave in good manners.. 

and my mistake was not to address a person properly. a person who i occasionally have spoken to and bumped into once or twice. a person who i knew younger than me. just because she holds higher post (maybe), i need to call her 'cik'. and sadly, she never complaint (not as i know) when i don't address her properly..but somebody else did. somebody who might have intention to teach me manners..but somehow, the way she address it to me with no manners.. at least that's how i felt. 

i blame my years in UK. i stop calling people kak or abang or puan or cik or tuan or sir or whatever. i even called our principal by his first name.. Mr John - that sound sooooo wierd. 

somehow, i was reminded to address people 'politely'... how i was reminded? the rude way. as if i've done the biggest sin ever.. to that person, perhaps i did a sin, the biggest one. but then again, if i could, i would want to remind her, 'you might want to re-remind yourself good manners before you try to help people'.. the intention might be good, but means don't justify the ways!

anyway, welcome to the what they keep promoting  'mindset-change, everybody!'.. if the leaders could hardly define that, i doubt that the followers would even bother. 

it's a sad racist remarks, but i must say that, if i'm a eurasion, i will get away with this easily and nobody will be offended and i was not considered as manner-less.. too bad, i came from a different clan!

but i did put "Dear .....,"  
and please drop the Puan.. i don't mind with just 'Ain'..

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