Wednesday, December 22, 2010

your wish is my command

at points me writing this post, am not in a sane state of mind, am just pissed

fairness doesn't come hand in hand with power and authority. at least, that's what i think, and i have all the rights in myself to think such ways. sad but true facts!

a boss can just wrote a single line email ordering you to attend a discussion that started five minutes after you saw the email - and it was an urgent meeting with the management.

a mother can overuled an agreement that she had approved prior to her kids' request and when asked why is it so, she can just say 'because i'm your mother and i know what's best for you'

a best friend can just screw the dinner plan that you both been planning, just because she told you that her son was not well, and just have to 'buy' that reason - yup, you may not being fair for doubting the last minute cancellation, and maybe, maybe, maybe you are right.. but, what can you do? she has all the rights in her world to screw you up to the eleventh hour.

a husband can give you approval to do what you want to do as long as it doesn't goes beyond the boundary of you being a wife, and somehow, he can also sacarstically ask you 'you sure you want to do what you want to do' - with that authoritive voice of his!

a brother can just grab the key of your husband's car, without asking for permission, and took away the car off to miles away from home, leaving you wondering and trying hard to convince the logical reason to give to your hub.

a colleague who is few years senior can just keep everything to herself, and waited up to the eleventh hour to tell that she has the sample of the paper  you were looking for (since last month!)

a sister-in-law can just ask you to take leave so that you can come and visit her as her kids were missing your kids, obviously nobody cares about you la kan.

talking about fairness? huh, in your dreams.. you might not even noticed that, but once a while, that authoritive voices are yours too.when that authoritive voices were out, you just can't say no.. because they said so. you just have to bow and like the genie prompted "your wish is my command, your highness".

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