Friday, January 1, 2010


it's a wet friday new year morning.. like every other morning, nothing special with this morning.. ooppss.. i forgot.. it is new year back in Kemaman.. and i have to work.. agghh... and this is why i'm in this blog page.. i just can't compute with doing work when everybody else is not. ok, some of us have to work, just like me. talking about new year, new you, new resolutions, new everything.. i have stopped counting after aimar, my second precious, was born.. i lost track of time and date. so, enough said, don't bother asking what would my resolution be.. i never believe in that. i never care to make any attempt to achieve, so, what's best than not having any?
back at home, we got new 42" panasonic plasma tv, and felt like watching those TVs that were displayed at the was great, and i love it.. aidan love it too.. what else is new with me? i love my new pink carlo rino and silver sole lovers..two great possessions of mine that i bought lately and love it, love it, love it.... so in love with them.. that pink carlo rino is so cool.. that i don't care no matter how official or casual i dressed up, it fits the picture.. how can i not in love with it? and that silver sole lovers... my one and only 3" silver inch, and it feels so good to be 'that' tall.. i guess those people who is blessed with height really needs to endeavour the advatange they have.. i even managed to help one of the watson's customer to get the body wash of the highest rack (which i don't understand why they put the ladies' stuff up high at the first place) and feel so proud of myself.. the silver sole lovers so chic and beyond future.. how can i not in love with it?

back to two-o-one-o, aidan would be five and aimar would be three. need to put serious thoughts in aidan's schooling.. he must at least know how to read by end of the year, hopefully. and as aimar, my aim would be nappy-free.. really hope he can be potty-trained by October.. and having 'reliogiously' hoping that i could materialize my wish to be nearer to where i 'should' belong, hope to be receiving good news by mid of the year.. else, as i personally think, it's time for my baby... hmmm...we see how.. this is not resolution, this is what i intend to achieve.. hmm.. what am i mumbling about?

this year, march 2010, would be our ten years anniversary, knowing each other, falling madly in love, and still deeply in love till today.. hahahahah.. i do, i love him.. i was laughing because of the word madly and times, we kinda forget how we once used to be 


too deep..

guess should stop right now.. else, i'll be starting the year with everything and nothing.

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