Wednesday, June 8, 2011


the hu-ha on the news portal related to the Obidient Wife Club (OWC) really getting on my nerves.. yup, it's typical of the media mass to brag about all these 'funny' business so that people read what they want to write.. somehow, this particular news has went overboard, to my judgement. until today, i frankly didn't read about it.. i glance through the main tittle, and read thru my friends comments and remarks on the FB.. and frankly, i don't give a damn, even till now, i really have no interest at all to find out.. 

from the headlines, i was made understood that this OWC is promoting mrs wives on how to have tip top great wonderful sex like the 'first class whores'.. and i wonder how would these people knew how would the first class whores services are like?. and the saddest pathetic part is that, the purpose of the OWC is to ensure that mr husbands won't stray and stick to the wifey...and those statements and ideas came from a group of insane ladies!blardyfuckingmadsluts!!!@@~~**!!!@"!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i'm sure they don't mind me calling them slut, as i'm sure that is their ulterior motive)

i guess enough is enough... we, much much classy ladies don't need such movement! it's an insult to womankind..

no matter what, no matter how, no matter when, no matter who, no matter where..when men choose to stray, they will! and they are well 'equipped'......
if they got caught, they would apologize profusely, they would remosely cry or even pretend to die to tell them how sorry they were...or even worst, they would admit that "they could afford to stray".... 
we, ladies, even without being the member of this OWC, we knew ourselves best than to stray. yup, of course they're a few who deviate from being obidient wife and commit adultery, but i guess, without facts and figures, no doubt that women are unlikely to cheat as compared to mr husbands!
at the end of the day, we, fear of being a divorcee, sympathizing the kids, being too financially independent not only permits our husband to cheat, but even make attempts to degrade ourselves to be a least, the first class whores got to get first-class treatment with fine dining, have sex on the five stars hotel's bed and received handsome payment after their services - some, if they were lucky they got to own that TODs tote they've been eyeing for....

how i wish i could scream and yell at these OWC people to stop thinking they are doing a noble thing for trying hard to please their men...

org cakap "tak payah berangan isteri sebaik aisyah kalau perangai tak semulia nabi"  

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