few days back, i posted a blog and shared it with my FB friends.
i was touched by a 'stranger' whom i didn't even know where she resides (but of course i know the tip of who she is, where she come from and the basics) told me how soaked she was in reading this blog of mine.
the blog never meant for anybody but me.
not for my friends, not for families and not even for my kids.
i wrote it for me.
this is one of the channel that i could ramble and mumble in peace, in a one way communications (basically), just so to remind me how's life.
life is cruel but good.
life is bad but sweet.
life is sad but great.
alhamdullilah - life is live and i am nothing but thankful and grateful for this live. alhamdullillah.
but i sometimes shared the post on my FB.
just because, i wanted people not to judge before seeking explanation or even before knowing why i did something that i did or why i said something that i said.
i didn't update it 24-7 or jot every single thing and occassions that happened.
and i am ashamed to admit that i write in this blog, when i feel at my low most of the times.
i wish i could write more great and happy posts, but somehow,i realized the happiness were sometimes too good for words.
tapi, teringat lak ayat allah,
ad-dhuha, verses 11: waamma binigmati robbika fahaddis; and do proclaim the bounty of your Lord.
aiyyoo... setan sangat kuat... memang Allah suruh sebut segala nikmat yang Dia dah bagi.
tapi, manusia ni, rata2, bende2 sedihlah yang kita nak tulis dulu... (dush!!!! amik ko sebijik!!!)
kalau baca asbabun surah ad-dhuha diturunkan, baca tafsir2 dalam internet ni, kita tahu surah tu surah memujuk...seronok baca - boleh rasa dalam dan kuatnya hubungan Pencipta dengan hambaNya yang mulia... betapa tinggi darjat Nabi SAW... dalam die berduka bersedih, Allah janji demi siang dan malam, Dia tak pernah lupa dan benci pada Nabi SAW. Dia janji yang akhir lebih baik dari mula, sebab sabarnya Nabi SAW. Dia janji, Dia balas denga kepuasan dan keredhaan hati Nabi SAW... mashaallah.. dapat syurga, apa ko nak, mintaklah apa2 pun, bling! ada je depan mata.... boleh imagine tak? Lepas tu, Allah ingatkan segala nikmat pemberian Allah... Nabi SAW yatim, Allah jaga, Nabi SAW bingung, Allah tunjuk jalan, Nabi SAW miskin, Allah cukupkan rezekinya. Allah pesan, buat baik kat orang. Allah pesan, sebutlah semua yang Allah dah bagi, bersyukurlah.
and so, i guess, when i'm sad, and i write this blog, i can see and read myself, apalah yang nak sedih sangat... nikmat Allah banyak lagi dari rintihan yang tak ke mana tu.
isshh...malu lah kat diri sendiri...
and so, i'm sorry.. this post is just meant to blither - a new word i learn;which means talk in a long-winded way without making very much sense... hahaha that is soooo me... and those who knew me know that is sooooo me!!!!
i just hope, nanti, bila aidan aimar aivey dah mula ada minat nak baca blog, and found out, eh mama ada blog? they would read and realized, mama diorang ni just a human, nothing special, nothing great, nothing super-mama but they knew.. yee..ini mama kami and she is indeed, our mama....
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