Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Me! Me! Me!

I was fooling around the the online game that passed by my FB wall.
I never take any of the result seriously.
Somehow, I took a screenshot of this one, just for the sake of my own 'wanting' to talk about it before I call it off for the day.
I had it hard last weekend.
Nope, it's not my cancer. and don't ever think it was about my husband.
Payah gak hidup dalam alam social media ni, semua yang kita share, bila berkias je, ada je statement 'i love that person so very much' or a statement 'someone so close in my heart' atau yang seangkatan dengannya, maka, akan mula lah jarum-jarum halus dari mata ke otak hingga yakin sampai ke hati "ni mesti ngata laki dia ni!"
As much as I love telling stories in my kind of way, I doubt that I talk about my hubby except his goodness... Of course, to someone close to me, I do share my rants about him once a while. But then again, being me, I always believe whatever information I withheld from my dear husband, will sooner or later leak to him, with or without intention. Bearing that in mind, I always remind myself, never to tell lies and talked bad things about your spouse, coz I know that he won't do that to me!

Alahai..panjang lak melalutnya.

Anyway, I had it bad  last Saturday! It has been a while.. as a matter of fact, it is 'celebrating'its 1st anniversary last Nov.

Nope, I'm not stating it every details.
But I know, as I'm getting older and the children get a lot wiser, and they decide to read up my blog one day in the future, as they stumbled upon this post, they might recalled how bad it was.

The day when Aimar wanted to seek the truth and got shut off by someone older just and the day Aidan spoke his mind by asking what's wrong for asking to verify and the day they were both being told off 'jangan kurang ajar macam bapak korang' just because they asked for the truth.

We taught our children to pick to be true over being kind for that is what as Allah's slave wajib buat!

So, AbgDan, Aimar, you boys did nothing wrong and you boys are not 'kurang ajar'. Sometimes, different mindset define 'kurang ajar'differently. And that what happened.

As I stumbled upon the outcome form the '7 things describe the truth of Ain'.. I wonder, of all the combination the game is programmed, all the descriptions  what made it happen over the last weekend incident.

1. wears my heart on my sleeve!! this is what being Ain is!truth is, i have always been that girl who speaks her mind out loud. I guess, that is why I have lots of friends, and not missing out, lots of enemies as well. love me or hate me! trust me, it has been a struggle but yes, i wanted to try.. wanted to learn to be more reserve... but it has always been a struggle!
2. does not like fake people!! back to point one, being too comfortable voicing my opinion out loud, fake people hate me and my guts. so, should i take a blame over someone who choose to fake their feelings over being true to others?
3. sometimes cries in secret. hmmmm.... friends know me how 'lembik' i usually am. politically correct phrases 'sikit-sikit nak nangis!'... somehow, i cried more and deeply behind that closed door.
4. is a fighter... hahahaha.. to sound cliché, didn't they say 'we cancer patients are fighters?':)
5. joyful and optimistic nature. well, again, k intan and ija are my witness how true this is to me! as simple as I would raise my right hand and confidently announced it out loud 'follow my hand, turn left!'and yes, sometimes, my confident won over the correct answer.
6. does not give up easily. i grew up with the idea i do give up easily. but i guess, as time passes, experiences after experiences, i knew for a fact that, yup, i don't give up easily.
7. has a lot of faith in God. alhamdullillah. most people who has an argument and does not come head-to-head with me would say 'tahu agama, tapi perangan tak macam orang tahu agama'. allahuakbar. please don't put blame on my agama and faith. that is me. my ignorance and my bad. nothing got to do with the Islam and its purity. kita sama-samalah doa. the thought and feeling like Allah is always there, the sweetness in zikrullah, the wanting in what He ask us to do and all is the strongest love story one would want now and hereafter. Doa kita sama-sama, may Allah gives us more and more loves, and may own Allah's bless bila nanti tiba yaumul qiyamah.
So, it's December huh?
It wasn't an easy year, but, bumi mana yang tak ditimpa hujan, kan?

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