Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Gosh! Old me!

Lama sangat dah tak menaip.. 
Beralasan tu, dah jadi satu kebiasaan. Sehinggakan dan kekeringan dan ketandusan alasan, masih cuba hendak menyedapkan hati, walaupun takde keperluan. 

Indah ajaran Rasulullah SAW; if there's nothing concern you, leave it alone!
I really hope that I could adhere to that. 

My health is not getting any better, alhamdulillah. 
It's deteriorating and got tired blaming the post-chemo and post-radio after ten years. 
How merciful Ar-Rahman has been to this sinner, and here I am. 

I'm turning 46 in 8 days time.
nope - just getting older

So, once I while, I worried about my future. 
How would the kids be. 
How would my dear parents be.
How would me and my spouse be. 
And in those times, I just felt 'helpless' and hopeful. 
Indeed, it is to Him that we shall return to. 
May it be a one smooth wonderful journey, ameen. 

And they would be time, I just want to cry and I did cry. 
Reflecting back of all my sins
Reflecting how merciful and kind Allah has been to me and how horribly pain in the a*% I've been to myself and the people surrounding. 
Reflecting of all the blessings that I never bother to count before. 
Allahu akbar. 
who won't?

At times, I just missed the memories of my childhood. 
I had a great time, being raised in a wonderful loving house with loving and caring families. 
And how I wish my children would be able to share that love and care. 
Yet, I know, at times me writing this, it is just impossible. 
And that is why I have to stop writing now. 

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