Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Let the pictures speak ~ Alhamdulilah

January 2023

February 2023

March 2023

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May 2023

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December 2023

Wednesday, December 20, 2023

Solat jangan tinggal!

Something that we need to hold on by:

إِنَّ ٱلۡحَسَنَٰتِ يُذۡهِبۡنَ ٱلسَّيِّـَٔاتِۚ
 Indeed, good deeds wipe out evil deeds [Hud 11:114]

Nak buat baik tu, boleh jadi senang, boleh jadi susah - ikut 'keadaan'... asal keadaan tu, datang dari niat.. niat buat baik sebab _________________ (fill in the blanks)

Nak mula buat baik; jaga solat. Mulakan dengan yang fardhu
- setel siapkan solat lima waktu
- try solat awal waktu
- cuba lak nak solat jemaah subuh, isya kat masjid / surau
- try jemaah lima waktu 
- standby wudhu' semua sebelum masuk waktu.. 
- top up solat sunat
- start ngan witr
dan seterusnya, dan seterusnya. 

I failed to jaga my solat when I was younger. 
Honestly, I still have faith in Allah's mercy than me regretting what I did / or did not and  what I should have done! 
Yet, I do envy those yang solatnya berjaga dari awal mula baligh hinggalah habis hayatnya. 
Untungnya manusia itu. 

I have one fear - and I pray Allah makes it easy for me. 
Fear of limited movement sebab fizikal tak kuat.. nak sujud nak ruku' tak boleh.. 
Ya Allah, allow me to sujud and ruku' like 'normal' healthy people till my last breath, Ya Allah. 

I was touched, and even shed tears when Aidan told me, "Ma, Aidan rasa tak best je.. Aidan selalu tertidur , ingat nak kejap lima minit je... tapi, terlepas waktu solat, nyenyak tido."
Of course I told him to be more affirm when it comes to solat - lawan ngantuk, jangan tido, sebab itu yang syaitan nak, dan itu yang nafsu kita mintak. 
On the other hand, I was touched when he has that guilty feelings, sebab mama dulu, masa tinggal solat, tak rasa pun bersalah... Astaghfirullah.
Ya Allah, jadikan anak-anak kami istiqomah solat awal waktu,  solat tak tinggal dan permudahkan untuk anak-anak lelaki kami Aidan AImar untuk solat jemaah subuh dan isya' di surau / masjid. Amiin Ya Allah. 

Ya Allah, terimalah segala amalan kami, Ya Allah. 
Ampunkan kami, Ya Allah

Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Masih rindu

 Dik, kalau kau nak tahu, dalam sebulan, tak pernah akak tak nangis sebab rindu.

Akak rindu, dik.

Di tengah kepekatan malamBerdiri aku di halaman rinduDihembus kenangan lalu
Menjelmalah seraut wajahSekuntum bunga yang pernah kupujaTapi layu akhirnya
Ingin kutembus tembok silamDan membaiki kesilapan kitaYang tiada kita rasa
Dahulu maaf tak berertiDarah muda menguasai diriBegitu mudah membenci
'Ku di halaman rinduHanya berteman bunga yang layu'Ku di halaman rindu
Tiada harum, tiada maduOh, kesalku membeku di kalbu
'Ku di halaman rinduHanya berteman bunga yang layu'Ku di halaman rinduTiada harum, tiada madu
'Ku di halaman rinduHanya berteman bunga yang layu'Ku di halaman rinduTiada harum, tiada madu
Oh, kesalku membeku di kalbuOh, sayangku penawar rindukuOh, kasihku hanyalah untukmuOh, sayangku penawar rinduku

Friday, December 1, 2023

7 years ago

 The memories from Facebook should be a happy one! Something that when we came upon it, 7 years after, it can leaves a smile in our face, not tears! This is just not fair!!!

And so, I am hoping, when my kids read this blog of mine, please don't cry. Please smile. Please smile because mama is crying today ~ and do smile because I am crying not because of you lots, Alhamdulillah... As a matter of fact, thinking of three of you are of those that makes me smile. Alhamdulillah. Thank you Allah for such a beautiful gift to this sinner. 
I stumbled upon 7 years ago memories on my own postings in Facebook. 

The memory that I've captured when we had a 'mini concert' just because Iris couldn't join her school's graduation day as she was sick. She was sick because she ate the cat food that to her it looked like a coco crunch and she had to be admitted ~ she was six back then. She was in Bintulu. She had been practicing day in and day out for her performance in school that year. But Allah has a better plan. 

Wallahi, I love her. I love her just like I love Aivey. They were so attached and closed back then. And they seems like strangers now. I am taking the blame. I am sorry, girls. 

Back to the 'mini concert'.. because Iris missed the concert, I decided to pull one for her. And so, we did it. I got Iesya, Ika and Nana to train the kiddies, Iris, Aivey, Mel, Yaya, Etty, Aqish, Sheera, and Eleen to practice a routine... Ikan kekek, if I wasn't mistaken. We had fashion show. We had Me singing. We had quizzes. O, we had speeches from Atok. and we had lots of gifts. We did the mini stage at the Kg Baru stall. We decorated. We made goodies. and of course, we had food. Definitely one great memories. 

I've been missing those ~ the closeness, the food, the insanity, the fun. 
I just missed it all. 
Everything goes haywire today. 
And that day won't be able to be repeated. 
I just miss 'Kg Baru'