Wednesday, August 4, 2010

been there, done that

my dear sons,
as you grow up, will you remember how it was?
will you remember how worried sick you made us when you were coughing non-stop in the middle of the night, nights?
will you remember how terrifying it was when your aunt shouts for your name when she realized you were gone - and yes, you went missing for longest sixty seconds of our lives?
will you remember how horrifying we were when we saw you jumping on the trampoline and landed on the floor - and you were darn happy that you managed to pull the acrobatic stunt wonderfully?
will you remember how you made us laugh till we filled our eyes with tears when you move your body to the r&b music and you danced for the whole good five songs?
will you remember how impressed we were when we heard you humming and singing to that favourite songs of yours when you could hardly understands what the lyrics all about?
will you remember how you were so excited when you wore the wristband to enter the theme park, but end up we were at the medical center because your fingers got stucked on the themepark entrance gate?
will you remember how your kind babysitter back in that old town who took care of you like her own kids?
will you remember how you gave the protective looks when you saw us in pain?
will you remember how you remembered our promises while our promises were only to bait you to do the chores?
will you remember when we asked you to put that dirty laundy in the baskets, take the glass of water yourselves, clean the mess you've made.. also we asked you to massage us, picked up our mess and many other chores that were supposed to be ours?
will you remember how you've touched our heart with your cute remarks like "i wish my dad is here..."?
will you remember how guilty we feel when we realised that it was midnight and we still forcing you to spell 'brow' for your mini-quiz?
will you remember you were only five back then?
will you remember that mama came back over lunch the day after and brought that transformers toy to give mama some peace in her mind?
will you remember though you were forced to sleep until midnight and were tired, you still got all right for the test?
will you remember how guilt mama felt after that?

my dear sons,
you will not remember a lot of things.. that is why, when some things happen in time, you thinks its 'dejavu'...
could you remember to love us when we were old, cranky, stinky and still as naggy as we used to be?
could you remember to be a responsible father who takes care of your kids?
could you remember to be a loyal husband who loves that good one and only wife of yours?
could you remember not to stray around, having fun with girls, just because you think you can afford it?
could you remember to keep reminding yourselves to be the good gentleman who worth to be living and this good old lives of yours?

my dear sons,
you will grow up fine.. insyallah.

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