Monday, August 16, 2010

colouring contest

the company decided to block the FB - hence, this is my next alternative to update what's up with things..

their dad has gone off for work, would be a short trip as he'll be back just in time for raya..yeah yeah..after three rayas, i am looking forward for nice one happy family in raya morning. anyway, as the boys were getting so used to have their dad for the past few weeks, staying at home during weekend was not something great that they looked forward to. so, i decided to bring them to wangsa walk, which i managed to get three pairs baju melayu each.. should be enough for the raya and their afternoon religious class.and as we were window shopping, the deejay was calling all the kids on the floor to join in the colouring contest. i asked my dear aidan if he would like to join, and he nodded. so, i enrolled both aidan and aimar. they were excited to get the pure white contest paper and the not-faber-castell colour pencil set. well, it lasted five minutes for aimar, but aidan completed the whole thing. 

on the hand, i saw this family. not be racist, so, i won't mention the race... go figure. this family, had everything ready. the small table, the crayon set.. and i'm so impressed with the parents coaching the kids, raising the voices when the colour were off the picture.. and i looked at my boys.. they were cool. 

for a rm50 hamper gift as a first prize, the family i saw did put lots of efforts in the competition. 

i've always be ambitious. i liked competition. gimme the challange, and i'm all set. i represented my school up to national level for quizzess. and i found out that aidan is not as competitive as i wish he could be. and he's a sore loser as well.. he'll compete if he know he'll win the race..else, he just won't bother. aimar - yet to discover, but i knew he has very very low attention span. i sometimes worried with my sons attitude. but then, looking at how serious the other family was, i guess we are okay.

they both got a nice monkey-teddy to bring home, and something to talk about..

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