Wednesday, November 10, 2010

girls next door

who knows where we will land?

had a brief encounter with my long lost friend over lunch.. well, not really lost for so long, thanks to FB, but still, been a while since we met. we went to the same high school seventeen years ago and she's now with three kids. i wasn't part of her clan, and neither did she. our acquantainceship turn to friendship right after high school. physically, she changed a lot. she was plum, now slimmer. she was not so fair, now prettier. she was short, now taller. she really did change. 

and i happened to be on the same floor of my ex-schoolmate, but we were never a friend. on my round introducing myself as a new staff, she spotted me.. we went to the same secondary school.. and i couldn't recall. i was famous back then (chewah).. she was not as visible as compared to my clan back then. who would have thought, this happily married lady with two boys was once the person who went to the same school of mine. she may not be the vocal one, but she further her studies in the States, got a decent job with the Fortune 500, happily married and yes, she is much much slimmer and prettier too.... 

reflected back, i might be among the few students at school that people would recognise and remember.. the famous clan.. the one who will participated in all the events, the one who will volunteered for any activities, the one who represented the school to all the quizzess... the one who will get most dedications of flowers and teddies when it comes to Valentines... yup - i went to all-girls school. 

then, my life met these two girlfriends of mine. with marvel and admiration, i Thank God to let me have the chance to meet them in this life, now. everyone is the star of one's life. be it at the earlier or later stage in life, at times, we will once be the highlights of the peak and we will be there at the bottom of nowhere. it happens to everybody. let's keep reminding ourselves. 

p/s: ladies, nothing wrong to wanting to be pretty.       

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