Friday, January 7, 2011

finally there

and so they said "age is just a number"

gosh, with the new year, i just realized that another year added to my age. i was thirty three, and this coming October will officially be thirty four. i realized that.. all this while.. but writing it down, posting this blog, i feel ancient.

a colleague from a different department drop by my cubicle. been working together with him on this one particular paper for the past month. all this while, it was me droping by his cubicle to discuss on things. so, to receive a surprised visit from him without notice was a surprised. apparently, he went to the 52nd floor as he need to submit some papers to another colleague of mine.. and mind you, that paper is less value than mine, if we were to compare. and as i asked him sacarstically, he answered me short and simple, " she's not married, so higher priority".. and fyi, this guy just got married less than a year! after few meetings and discussions, we are comfortable to be sharing these 'hostile' remarks, vice versa. 

then again, this same person told me, "somebody been checking you out, and i shoot them off by telling your hubby's working in brazil".. i told him that he should tell people i'm a mother of two. and frankly, i'm ok with that.. as a mother of two, i still look good and gorgeous in my own way. and he replied "the guys would be more interested in knowing their competitor rather than your extra baggage!".. so, i take that as a compliment.

so, as we aged, we are less attractive, huh? well, when a lady needs to mentioned her age, i guess that would be the first thing thah popped into everyone mind.

but of course, there's nothing wrong with growing older.. we become more mature, full of experience, and more wiser, no doubt. in a blink of his eye, we knew he tried to hide things from you. and we don't mind confronted him, intelligently. in a gasp of her breath, we knew she hesitated to tell the whole truth. and we have this sixth sense to smell her every single move. 

there were remarks calling me 'hot mama'.. this is when they want to get advise from me. how did i maintain my figure, how did i struggle with the boys. how did i manage to stay cocky with style. so, all these come with experience. those 'youngsters' look up to me, to share my experience.

of course i look up to people who is older than me. in particular, my bff.. i called her kak, a token of respect, but i keep forgetting that she is like few years senior than i am. i always thought she's the same age of me. and she has a younger heart than i do, believe me, she does! and she's always there, willingly to share with us anything we want to know.. up to the stage "how do we cut onion?"... i googled to her before i gooled to google on things i need to know. 

therefore, after writing this post, though i'm reaching mid thirties and sound like a sixty year old grandma.. i know i can just be like the wine.. the older it gets, the better its value.

so, am all prepared to age with style... of course, i'm into those anti-aging, lifting moisturizer.. anyone? 


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