Wednesday, September 30, 2020

I wish me strong

 I'm shivering in between being mad and being strong because I'm sad. 

it's not easy. 

but I guess, as I'm typing this out, I am more mad than sad. 

a person I happen to nurse when she was small is now a big girl. i remembered how I would put her on my chest while reading the novel I rented from CM during my summer break back in the 90s. she was just a baby. of course she's a grown up now. 

I'm not going to explain how it all started. I've hinted a lot on my previous writing. 

but, yup, she is one of those who swore at me, wishing me dead and was one of those who talked bad words about me. she is one of them, the clan. 

she wrote to aidan (ok, I have access to aidan's whatsapp from the laptop - he forgot to log it off the last time he logged in from here) - asking aidan for his bank account number. a gesture saying congrats for his excellent result in the exam. 

I'm proud of aidan. 

as much as I know how much they think we are struggling with money, we are not that 'low' to accept any from them. i just couldn't believe what I read:

"Ingat mama mmg la gaduh ngan org kat sini. Tapi abg dan takyah fikir sgt. Jgn lupa org kat sini."

how insanely stupid she could be to say such thing? who the hell she thinks she is? someone who own and raise aidan??? 

I'm going to swear! bugger off!

"mama mmg la gaduh ngan org kat sini???????????"


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