Monday, March 20, 2023

Entitlement of forgiveness

I was telling Aivey, "I've done my part, Vy. I've not been given a fair chance to explain myself, I've been shut off and cut off..yet I love Rasulullah SAW so much that I want to adhere to his saying not to severe kinship for that is what Allah SWT ask us to do!"

"So, what did you do? You've been crying on and off and this is so damaging ~ it's unhealthy for you, Ma"

"I've texted her, and I guess I don't owe anybody else an apology. Despite me not taking the blame ~ It's time to put everything aside, and I'm just done trying to make amends. She acknowledged receipt and it's all in her court. I've done my part as the slave of Allah, the ummah of Rasulullah SAW. Alhamdulillah."

"Do you forgive her, Ma?"

"I've did that long time ago ~ I love Allah, Rasulullah SAW and both my parents so much that I know I should forgive her and just pray for her. Do you know that it is best to forgive others for all we care is Allah's forgiveness. Should we forgive others, Allah will forgive us, Vy."

"So, you are taking the blame?"

"It's not who's wrong and who's right, it's not who's winning and who's not. It's for my own peace of mind. Should there's anything that anyone ever do to me, out of consciousness, and have wronged me severely, spreading fitnah over myself & my beloveds, out of their consciousness; then, I'm entitled not to forgive them until they seek for one. That's my right."

Alhamdulillah ~ it wasn't easy.. my sleepless nights, my istikharah ~ Allah made it easy for me, alhamdulillah. 

But Aivey got me to " so, you are taking the blame?"

Al-Quran told us to forgive for we longed for Allah's forgiveness when we meet Him, allahumma ameen. 

But, how do we know who entitled to forgive between two human?

While I know for a fact from my side that I'm not to be blame, instead, I've been wronged, my rights been deprived and my beloved being mocked.. and it took years and years of courage to forgive. 

On the other hand, they might think the same too... they've forgive me ~ as much as I don't need their forgiveness. Wallahu'alam. I don't know. 

I told Aivey, if I've wronged them, I have politely seek forgiveness to them ~ I seek forgiveness from my aunts and I texted both my sis and my elder cousin despite of no reply (and honestly, I'm ok, alhamdulillah ~ yup, I'm surprised that I was ok). 

I've done my part. 

Should they seek forgiveness from me genuinely and sincerely, it would be my loss not to forgive them. I need that peace of mind when I sleep at night ~ and that's what I did, forgive them and make prayer for them.

It just, as I told Aivey, 
"Should they knew they have wronged me, severely and intentionally, and resist to seek forgiveness from me the way it should ~ they owe me that.. I hope they'd pay back before anyone of us leave the world, for meeting at the hereafter would be a blessed coincidence, if ever. wa iyyazubillah."

Yup, the word is SHOULD ~ it's not fair to forgive if the other side knew they have wronged and severe the kinship badly. 2017 and counting ~ that's a long way!

Ya Allah, do forgive us, Allahumma Ameen. 

Thursday, March 9, 2023

Emotional cancer

Depression is like cancer, indeed, it is a emotional cancer. 
It has always been there within yourself, waiting to be ignored and be inactive, or actively spread and damage you mentally. 
While chemo and radio has been clinically proven to control physical cancer, and if Allah wills, heals you; I doubt anything is good for emotional cancer. 
What a plot!

I never had it diagnosed - the depression within self. 
I never see the need to get myself diagnosed, officially. 
I know it's the feelings that Allah wants me to feel. 
I know that while my emotional would be on and off, and some point it goes waaayy beyond the stability radar, I also know that I have to keep my mental state at its best possible means. 
I know that with a stable mindset, it could be strong enough to combat my emotional fluctuations. 
But, sometimes, like this time, I just got drowned away, and lost it. 
I cried in my waking time and sleep time... 
I could hardly talk and I cried most of the time...
Every part of my body was in pain, and if I'm lucky, I would vomit and felt so tired that I could sleep due to tiredness. 
The burden is real. 
It reminds me of those old days -  the indescribable pain that I had to go through when I had my chemo and radio treatment 9 years ago. 
It's waaay to painful, that all I can conclude was 'sakit Ya Allah'. 

And today, I'm telling Him again (and again and again).. "sakit, Ya Allah!"
Aivey asked me, 'are you okay, ma?'
"why are you asking?"
'you were crying and screaming while taking your nap, just now' 
"I'm not ok. I'm sad, and it hurts"
'you miss her?'

... and she didn't say anything - it has been years that she knew I would cry once a while when I thought of the good times I had with my sibling sister... Aivey tried to console me before, but in times, she got used to it and she just don't know what to do but she knew mama will be okay in time... 

and I just have to. 
"help me, Ya Allah"
Allahumma ameen

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Do we need to justify ourselves?

I wonder who read my blog - lama gak duduk dalam gua, tak kasi orang baca blog ni.. setting private... 

Baru-baru ni buat public (but limited) reading.... orang yang view taklah banyak macam dulu-dulu, tapi, ada gak lah...

Ada pernah niat nak keep it just to myself.... but I have this feeling, if i died esok or this afternoon or tonight.. tak sempat nak pesan kat anak-anak my passwords and all.. if i kept it private, diorang tak leh access blig mama.... 

Ada macam-macam mama dok bebel dalam ni.. some memang out of mind, some for their memory, some just for them to read how mama felt sometimes and the feeling is genuine. 

I'm not into public readings and kejar follower.. 

But, I just wonder who read my blog. 

And I'm so much worried if some of my words would hurt people in reading... 

If so, please forgive me. I know you might have reasons and all sorts of other justifications and I have no rights to make any unjustified assumptions... but, do know, I wrote what I wrote, because I wasn't able to justify myself to any of you ~ which resulted in these blogs ~ which resulted in my untold justifications. 

Tapi, rasa teruk gak.. rasa tak sabar... 

Hang nak justify apa? Kat sapa? 
Yang susah nak tunggu kiamat nanti, yang tak sabaq tunggu yaumul hisab tu, awatnya? 

It was horrifying - the burden that we will all be summoned at during qiyamah... it just horrifying.. 

I can't imagine getting naked, under hot sun, drowned in your own sweat, stayed in darkness, and being cancelled from drinking the al-kauthar.... waiyyazubillah. 

It is a scary thoughts and I pray and I pray and I pray none of us would be in that situation. 

May Allah forgive us all, and May Allah bestow me to forgive and forget and being forgiven. Ameen

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Kasih Allah

Selalu dok 'ratib' bagi pujuk diri, dan juga kekawan, bilamana datang musibah pada diri, ujian yang tidak tertahankan... maka pepandailah cakap, "Allah sayang kat kita tu, Allah uji sebab Allah nak ampunkan dosa-dosa kita.."


Hari ni, seharian dok dengar recorded aqeedah 303 class by Dr Bilal Philip... citer pasa Allah's love to the Prophet... Dalam Quran, Allah SWT bagitau siapa yang Dia sayang. Among those:

Allah sayang al-mukhsinin, those who do good [Ali Imran 3:134] وَٱللَّهُ يُحِبُّ ٱلۡمُحۡسِنِينَ
Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang berbuat perkara-perkara yang baik

Allah sayang al-muttaqwwn, those who are pious [Ali Imran 3:76] فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُحِبُّ ٱلۡمُتَّقِينَ
maka sesungguhnya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang bertaqwa

Allah sayang orang yang bertaubat & mensucikan diri, those who keep themselves pure and turn to Him in repentance [Al-Baqarah 2:222] إِنَّ ٱللَّهَ يُحِبُّ ٱلتَّوَّٰبِينَ وَيُحِبُّ ٱلۡمُتَطَهِّرِينَ
SesungguhNya Allah mengasihi orang-orang yang banyak bertaubat, dan mengasihi orang-orang yang sentiasa mensucikan diri.

Kalau nak cakap dari point view of hadith and sunnah pulak, boleh baca kat sini in brief: Signs of Allah’s Love for a Person and Attaining It 

Macam takde je jumpa daleel cakap Allah sayang Allah turunkan ujian musibah.... tapi, Allah sayang sebab bila musibah, kita bersabar, kita bertaubat.... huhuhuhuhu

Ayat-ayat Allah, sunnah Rasulullah SAW, seringkali kita amik ringan... 
alasan, 'takde ilmu'

Tapi baper ramai (termasuklah yang tengah menaip ni) yang nak cari ilmu tu?

Allahu musta'an..moga Allah bantu kita, pandu kita ke jalanNya, ameen. 