Saturday, August 22, 2020

Minta Tolong Kat Orang, Tak Mudah!

 Menyusahkan orang


I never like to have the feelings to ask people for help. Tak best rasanya. 

Bukan sebab sombong tak nak mintak tolong orang. 

Bukan sebab tak nak tolong orang, sebab tu tak mintak tolong orang. 

Bukan sebab terer sampai tak nak tolong orang. 

Cuma, tak suka nak menyusahkan orang. Kalau ada sesapa yang mintak tolong, malah kalau ada sesapa yang memang perlu ditolong, walaupun dia tak mintak tolong, I really would love to help. But to ask people for favours, selalu rasa berat hati. 

It's hard to accept, bila respond orang yang kita mintak tolong tu macam so-so je. 

Lagi tak best bila kita excited terpikir 'dia mungkin boleh dan happy to help' tapi respond dia macam berat hati je... with the pause phrase ..mmmmm... and stating all the obstacle yang mungkin membolehkan dia tak boleh tolong, yet end up with phrases ' takpelah, tengok camne, we'll try to help'..........sayup-sayup, I can hear 'walaupun ko menyusahkan, aku malas nak tolong.'

It's not the person's fault. Sesapa pun boleh reject not to help bila dia tak nak tolong. Dia tak perlu bagi seribu satu alasan. Dia tak perlu bagi sebab. Just say no... 

Orang yang mintak tolong, tak patut nak berasa hati. In fact, takut jatuh hukum berdosa sebab bersangka-sangka, dan sangkaan yang buruk lak.. pastu, sendiri nak emo!

Haippp! Tak baik tau!!!

But trust me, between me and myself... perhaps its because of 'our condition', I do sometimes feel like macam menyusahkan orang, I do feel like terhutang budi and people might think I'm just taking a free ride (which I don't) and I do feel hurt with some respond I got that was beyond my expectation. 

It never make me feels good. 

Selagi aku mampu, aku tak mahu mintak tolong kat orang.. aku tak mau menyusahkan orang. 

Alhamdulillah..that's why, I know I should resort to Allah directly before I asked others for favours. 

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