Monday, July 3, 2023

Aimar wakil negeri ~ wuuhuu


Before cuti raya hari tu, Aimar roger ~ katanya terpilih untuk Kem Daei Pena Muda peringkat Negeri..

We were elated to hear the news .. cam tak caya je, that piece yang dia tulis last minute, tak sempat mama nak proofread bebetul, was selected to represent Kemaman.. Alhamdulillah. 
There were 15 names masa dia nak submit the writings... though, not as much as BM, space for English writings pun memang lesser... for him to be selected was definitely a blessing we was hoping for, but didn't put high expectation in it. 

He was at the camp in Besut for 3 days. The first draft of 800 words, kena kasi perisi lagi, sampai ke 1200 words.. kena bagi drama, kena bagi perisa. 

On the last day, his name was called to read his piece in front of all the participants. Alhamdulillah, he was selected to represent Terengganu for English essay. It was something big and Mama tahu, Mama lagi berdebar dari dia and still can't move on... cam tak caya je. 

Kalau baca essay dia, I would say 'beshe-beshe' je... tapi, knowing essay tu, memang dia tulis dari hati dia, I know it is something!

I wish I could share his writing here ~ tapi, sebab belum final lagi, maka I'll just keep it to myself dulu. 

Essay yang buat Cik Ani kumpul airmata, tahan sebak. Indeed, it was definitely a reminder and distant memory, not only to me and my dear hubby, but also anak-anak bila Aboh takde kerja for the good four years. Alhamdulillah.. the essay Aimar wrote, "when I decided to quit..." was a story about him witnessing how strong his Aboh has been masa kami diuji dengan Aboh losing his job. 

Somehow, masa tu, cuma ada kami and my husband's siblings and my friends... tak putus support kami, doa untuk kami... and don't get me started with yang bagi duit, directly and indirectly... Mashaallah... kita tak mintak... tapi itu cara Allah bagi rezeki untuk anak-anak. No fancy holidays, no expensive restaurants... yet, kami sentiasa 'ada'.. Mashaallah... sujud, tunduk malu betapa baikNya Allah pada kami, dihantarNya bantuan dari yang tak kami sangka-sangka.

I remembered how 'abandoned' I felt when someone so dear to me, who might be able to help us, never drop me a liner or two ~ asking how the kids were.. they even mocked me.. 'bala sebab ikut cakap laki, buat mama abah sendiri sedih...'.. Subhanallah.. if anyone has that thought in mind, the thought of a wife with good degree and good job and quitting her job out of her hubby's request... and so she did quit for fulfilling what was bestow upon for Allah ask a wife to obey her husband... lillahi, for I was doing it for Allah ... and if anyone thought that me quitting my 5-figure salary was a 'bala', please seek repentance, and make tawba. 

Honestly, I wasn't intended to divert the story about me me me in this post... I was supposed to talk about Aimar and how proud I am with him, Alhamdulillah.. 

But, I can't still move on from the content of Aimar's essay and I can't still believe that how people could give something that was no used for themselves to Aivey, just because... as if we couldn't afford it now. Not that I wasn't thankful ~ but I was just asking them, where were you when we need you?
Ok, jauh tersasar..

Mohon doa agar Aimar dapat menang, tak dpt first place pun, at least top 3 untuk Kem Daie Pena Muda bulan Ogos kat Kelantan nanti... 

Allahumma ameen. 

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