Sometimes, I wonder if the decision to allow Aivey to go to MRSM allllll the way in Pengkalan Hulu is a right decision.
After nearing a month, Aivey came back from the hostel yesterday.
She has been asking if we are sending her off or will she take the bus back to hostel.
We have paid the bus, it's more valid, for now.
But then again, deep down, I knew I wanted to send her off.
For I know, that is what she wanted.
She is a good daughter.
Being away from home is one.
Being away far far away from home, is another.
Being away in a 'foreign' place and putting so much effort to adapt is another thing on top of everything.
Things aren't easy.
I knew it.
I was there.
I was away from home at the age of 16 ~ all the way in Perlis.
Somehow, I took up the challenge.
I was informed that was among the best school at that time.
I was told I could excel if I were to go there.
I was inspired to be what my dear abah & mama wanted me to be, a doctor or an engineer or a lawyer, and so I have to go there! It was supposed to be a stepping stone for me to excel.
Indeed, I went away from home.
And I went further after that.
At the age of 18, less that I knew, I was million miles away from home.
From Perlis to Wales.
Loooongggg way to go.
So, I have some reservation for Aivey being away from home.
She's only 13.
and I still pray that she got the nearby SBPs.
who knows, I would keep on asking Allah for I believe in Him.
When He says kun, fayakun!
I'll talk about the homesickness in my next post, Inshaallah
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