Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Her 75th

Hai lah azam..kekonon nak tulis blog hari-hari pun.. masuk 10 hari dah kelaut azamnya..
And so, am dropping by my blog this morning. 

Alhamdulillah, I wasn't aware that today was her birthday..pepagi masa bangun hantar Aivey sekolah tu memang dah ingt..pastu lupa balik... at around 9:30ish, Aunty Singgam called, tanya no tepon Col sebab neigbour (Petronas) belakang rumah tu nak potong pokok and nak mintak permission abah... so, dah alang2 terjaga, I thought quick coffee with mama & abah would be great, and as expected, memang diorang gi kat cafe kat Liberty je lah kan.. 

Sampai Liberty, tengok mama turun kete, dengan baju hijau, selendang mera..pegghh...baru teringat balik besday girl nampak anggun.

She's 75. Alhamdulillah... as time passes by ni, ada rasa risau dan sedih if the time come and I had to be away from them... at their age, and at my health, wallahu'alam... to be around them has always been a blessing. 

Robbana warhamna waghfirna waliwalidayna warzuqna, Ya Allah. 

She looks so pretty, as always. 

Tadi, sampai Cafe, abah was still at the car.. tetiba dia masuk, bawak cake and sang happy birthday song dengan penuh semangat... rugi tak sempat nak amik video.. the view was so cute and soothing, and I really love and appreciate it to witness them, alhamdulillah. 

Mama is 75 today.. mashaallah, tabarakallah... what a lady, she is! 
If I have to described her in 3 adjectives, that would be, ambitious, strong-headed and beautiful. Alhamdulillah. 

May Allah SWT forgive all her sins, and fulfill her dreams duniya akhirah and give her the barakah of life and great health and a beautiful palace in jannatul firdaws, allahumma ameen. 

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